Tuesday, August 12, 2008
One Minute After You Die
Dr Erwin Lutzer has written an excellent book on the subject of death and the soverignty of God called One Minute After You Die. Lutzer says, for the believer "When the curtain parts, we shall not only find Him on the other side but discover that He is One who led us toward the curtain in the first place." Lutzer very clearly deals with the doctrine of heaven and hell. Why should we fear death if it is the route to our final home? Jesus assures us that there is nothing to fear; in fact, the knowledge that we shall die gives us the courage and hope to live triumphantly in this world. How will the believer be happy in heaven if one or more of our relatives are in hell. Can a child, for example, enjoy the glories of eternity knowling that a father or mother will always be absent from the celebration? Lutzer says that " if God can be content in know that unbelievers are in hell, so will we. Jonathan Edwards said that "heaven will have no pity for hell." Lutzer writes, "The death of a child seems like mockery since God is taking a life before he or she has the joy of accomplishment. But a child's short life can fulfill the will of God. Though we do not understand it, that little one has finished the work God has given him or her to do.. Though now in heaven, the little one continues his or her ministry in the life of the parents and relatives." When I read that, I got up and went and read it aloud to Cheryl. It brought tears again to our faces as we thought of our grandson Caleb who would have been nine weeks old. We asked ourselves - oh God is that ministry happening in our lives?