Becoming a Believer of Integrity and Forgiveness
The Life of Joseph #3
August 17, 2008
Pastor Ben Fleming
I read this quote this week… "I want to see our party lead on the great moral issues — "If we want to live in a moral, honest just America and if we want to live in a moral and just world, we can't wait for somebody else to do it. We have to do it."….. A national politician uttered those words even while he was having an affair. Sexual temptation in our country is everywhere and we are loosing the battle…… Every person in here battles temptation. Some of us battle the temptation to lie – some of us battle the temptation to steal – some of us constantly battle over eating – some of us battle gossip and jealousy – every person in here at one time in their life battles sexual temptation – especially the male race. An elderly 80 year old pastor was giving a talk at a men’s retreat on the subject of purity. After the talk, a young man came up to him and said, “at what age does this battle for sexual purity stop?” He said, I do not know but it is sometime after the age of 80….. Sexual temptation is killing our nation – our churches and our children. Is it possible for a believer in Jesus Christ to day in and day out – week in and week out – to walk in sexual purity and victory over sexual temptation? Your first response to that question most likely is yes --- but is it really possible today???? Pornography is a multi billion dollar industry.
According to our society - Penthouse and Playboy are men’s magazines – not pornography. Sex sells – so we see it everywhere –of course we are tempted….
We are studying the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis. Turn today to chapter 39. Do not tune me out as we study this subject today. Sexual temptation affects every person in here. Temptation in one form or another is part of your life – if it is not – you are dead.
On April 9, 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed by the Nazis at the age of 39 years old. In his short little 50 page book “Temptation” – he writes, “ In our members there is a slumbering inclination towards desire which is both sudden and fierce. With irresistible power desire seizes mastery over the flesh. All at once a secret, smoldering fire is kindled. The flesh burns and is in flames. It makes no difference whether it is sexual desire, or ambition, or vanity, or desire for revenge, or love of fame and power, or greed for money, or finally, that strange desire for the beauty of the world, of nature. Joy in God is being extinguished in us and we seek all our joy in the creature. At this moment, God is quite unreal to us, He looses all reality, and only desire for the creature is real; the only reality is the devil. Satan does not fill us with hatred of God, but with forgetfulness of God…. The lust thus aroused envelops the mind and will of man in deepest darkness. The power of clear discrimination and of decision are taken from us… It is here that everything within me rises up against the Word of God.”………… can you identify with these words of Bonhoeffer???
There is not a person on the face of this earth who has never been tempted. Including Jesus Christ. There is no person who has never given into temptation except Jesus Christ. We cannot escape temptation.
Temptation has many faces in our lives. On your outline write them in:
* Material temptation. It is our lust for things. There is no one in here who has never yielded to a passion for things. Some of you are in debt because of your strong desires for things. For some of us shopping makes us feel good – getting a thing that you do not need at a good price. You want more, you want newer, you want what the other person has. Material temptation.
* Personal temptation. It is our lust for fame, authority, for power, or control over others. Every person wants to be recognized and valued.
* Sexual temptation. It is our lust for another person or in reality our lust for their body. It is a hedonistic desire to have and enjoy that which is not one’s own legally or morally. We are going to study this third one today and we are going to do so focusing on the life of Joseph and his encounter with Potiphar’s wife. Stand with me as we read chapter 39.
Background - If you remember last week - the brothers threw Joseph in the well – took his coat - and then they saw the Ishmalite caravan going to Egypt – they sold him to the merchants who took him to Egypt and then sold him to an Egyptian captain named Potiphar who was the chief of the executioners. Joseph found himself in a country with a language that he did not speak and a culture that he did not know. Notice that the bible does not tell us how long he was working in Potiphar’s house – he could have only been there two months or two years. The bible does not even tell us about the adjustments that Joseph had to make – he grew up in a rural unsophisticated culture and now he is in sophisticated Egypt. Joseph not only adjusted to his new home and surroundings but he flourished in it --- he bloomed where God planted him. He made lemonade out of his lemons.
The bible tells us why --- look at verse 2. “The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered” God was with Joseph – He gave him the ability to learn the Egyptian language – above all the bible tells us that God gave him favor in Potiphar’s eyes. God was with Joseph – luck had nothing to do with it – it never does in the life of a God focused believer. Notice that Joseph did not have to tell Potiphar about his God like Jonah did – the bible says that Potiphar was able to see his God working his life – verse 3 “When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant.
Potiphar put him in charge of his household and, he entrusted to his care everything he owned – and God then blessed the household of Potiphar. Do you not find it amazing that a pagan man who worshipped the “gods’ of Egypt could see a difference in the life of Joseph. What was it with Joseph? What did Potiphar see in Joseph? 3 points
#1 He was hard working and diligent. The captain of the executioners knew how to identify hard work and success. He knew who was trustworthy and carried out assignments and who did not argue and cause problems. He gave him more trust and greater responsibility. #2
#2 Potiphar saw his devotion to his God. Joseph was most likely a Daniel. The bible tells us that Daniel got down on his knees to pray three times a day. Joseph most likely did the same thing and Potiphar saw it – when Joseph went out to eat with him at Chili’s he bowed his head in front of everyone and prayed. Remember Joseph did not have the bible to read like you and I do – it was not written – he did not have a men’s group of fellow believers to encourage him and hold him accountable – he had God to talk to. He grew in his devotion to God through his prayer life. #3
#3 He earned Potiphar’s trust and respect and everything in his household – finances included was turned over to him. Notice what the bible says about Joseph – he was well built and handsome – he was a hunk – the words the bible uses to describe Joseph were only used in the bible to describe 3 other people – King Saul – King David and Absalom. Potiphar was not the only one to notice Joseph – vs.37 – says “and after awhile his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said “come to bed with me.” But Joseph refused again and when the first time did not work – she tried again and again he refuses her. Why? What was wrong with him? This was not sexual temptation from afar it was right in front of him. He did not have to turn on a computer in the privacy of his home – he did not have to pay any money – this was free and easy fulfillment of his pleasures. He earned it and deserved it . Why did he refuse her twice? What was it in this young man? On your outline:
Why did Joseph not give in?
1. He had the right concerns in his life.
* He would not violate Potiphar’s trust. (vs.8) “but he refused. “With me in charge, he told her, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house; everything he owns he has entrusted to my care.” He knew that giving into sexual temptation was not a private matter – sexual immorality always smells --- someone always gets hurt – someone always gets robbed and the trust of someone in your life is always violated. Joseph has worked hard to gain the trust of his master and he was not going to give it up for one moment of pleasure.
Potiphar was not stupid – he knew that Joseph was handsome and attractive and he probably knew the kind of women his wife was – amazing – he did not trust his wife – he trusted Joseph. I do not believe that Joseph did not look and that the advances of the women did not tempt him to ponder her offer – he says to himself – the trust of my master is so valuable to me – it is more valuable to me than my own personal pleasure and desires…….. THINK: Whose trust do you have? Whose trust have you worked and worked and worked to get? How valuable is it to you?
* He would not violate his spiritual convictions. (vs.9) “No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” Joseph would not disobey God. Remember he had a limited understanding of God’s laws – but he knew God personally and he knew that it was wrong in his heart to have sexual relations with Potiphar’s wife or any woman who was not his wife. His spiritual convictions would not allow him to “sin against God”. Think about that:……. If you want stronger and stronger power to resist temptation then you have got to increase your spiritual convictions more and more and more. It did not happen to Joseph once but twice. He refused her again and again. Do you remember Bonhoeffer’s words?
“In our members there is a slumbering inclination towards desire which is both sudden and fierce.With irresistible power desire seizes mastery over the flesh. All at once a secret. smoldering fire is kindled… the lust thus aroused envelops the mind and will of man in deepest darkness. The powers of clear discrimination and of decision are taken from us.”
The apostle James puts it this way: James 1:13 -14 “When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone ; but each one is tempted when by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.”
Not only did Joseph care about his own spiritual convictions but he cared about the reputation of God. I cannot imagine the damage that has been done in our society that began years ago with the Jimmy Bakker affairs and then it lead to Jimmy Swaggart and most recently with Ted Haggard. Those are big names – but each of us have to look at ourselves and examine our personal spiritual convictions ---- do we really care about the reputation of God??
2. He had the right strategy to stay pure. (vs 10) “And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her.” Notice what it says – she spoke to Joseph day after day --- what did she say? She most likely was propositioning him time and time and time again. When the lust of another tempts you to give in to your own lust, so much that your resistance weakens, you have been enticed.
Joseph did not give in and his resistance did not weaken – he did not keep going up to the fire and seeing how close he could get without getting burned notice what it says – he refused to be with her --- eventually he avoided her. When he saw her coming – he went the other way. He knew that when that woman walked through the door – his passions would be aroused and the sight of that woman was so delicious to his lust – he did not trust himself. He had a plan and he did not play games --- Joseph had a strategy to stay pure. Maybe today he would have paid money for a computer software like Covenant Eyes – or he would not go into a store where pornography was sold or maybe he would not go to a restaurant by himself or ever be in public or private with a woman who was not his wife. In today’s world – I know Joseph would be considered stiff and narrow minded and fundamental – every movie he would examine a review of it to find out what was in it – he would avoid any woman that troubled him. A strategy is a proactive plan that a believer has to pursue purity in his or her life. Maybe it is a woman who is tempted to read romance novels. Or a woman who has another godly woman who she can ask about her clothes and what is not provocative. If you have no strategy to stay pure – you will not.
3. He had the right escape route. (vs.12) “She caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me.” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house.” This last time – the woman set him up – there was no one in the house – she had arranged for the perfect trap – she grabbed him and Joseph ran. When he ran she tore his robe off him. He knew where to run because he had planned what he was going to right from the beginning. He knew the house. He knew the layout and he knew how to get out and away from that woman.
1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” God always provides an escape route from temptation --- remember it is not wrong to be tempted --- it is sin when we do not take the escape route. God is faithful and He will provide the escape. We have to look for it ---we have to know where it is. Do you know the escape routes in your life away from temptation? Do not read that book. Do not buy the magazine. Do not watch that TV show. Do not go to that movie. Do not go into that store. I know for some men it is putting prayer with other men in their life a top priority.
If we are going to have the right convictions in our life – if we are going to have a strategy and if we are going to take God’s escape route so that we may walk in sexual purity we are going to have to look for it – make it --- pay for it – pursue it – do whatever it takes and pay whatever it takes to follow the way out that God has provided for us. God will not leave us with a hot babe like Potiphars wife and give us no escape. ------- I want to close with several comments and a few questions.
Keeping your integrity in the face of sexual temptation
1. When you are successful and things are going well you will be the most vulnerable to sexual temptation. You can count on it --- when troubles are few do not let your defenses down. 1 Corinthians 10:12 “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall.” When I hear someone tell say they have no problem with temptation I know they are hiding something or foolish.
2. To resist temptation, you must have firm moral convictions based upon a biblical value system. You hold your convictions if you care about those who you want to trust you. Having those in your life to whom your are accountable is essential…. – if you do not have the human element of accountability in your life you will not care about the divine element. Paul wrote this to
Titus 2:11 “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self controlled and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope…”
3. To resist temptation, you must avoid verbal and visual stimuli. Is there a visual Potiphar in your life? If you say no --- then the devil has fooled you. Satan is subtle and he is out to get you and the #1 way it is going to be is through verbal and visual pictures. Who or what is God telling you to avoid in your life that you have not been avoiding?
4. When you resist temptation you may pay a price with people but never with God. Joseph resisted – Potiphers wife took his robe and cried rape. Potipher could have put Joseph to death right away but he mostly likely knew that his wife’s accusation was false but to save face, he put’s Joseph in prison. Joseph paid a painful price for doing what was right….. Never be confused or defeated when you do the right thing and resist. You may loose a friendship. You may loose acceptance by the group. You may be the only one who is not doing it. People might reject you – they might scoff at you and even tell lies about you and try to make you look bad. God never forgets when you resist temptation. Remember – you owe it to your character – you owe it to your family and you owe to God. Make up your mind and plan your strategy and resist.
Let us pray