Doctrines of the Faith referenced from Understanding the Basics by RC Sproul
The following material was developed and given to Silver Hills Deacons at our last gathering. We will continue briefly examining the doctrines of the faith throughout the coming months.
It is vital that a believer know why and what they believe. It is possible to believe and be sincerely wrong. It is possible to believe and be walking and living outside of the light of Christ. What I believe determines how I live. What I believe determines my joy in God and the power of God in my life.
The Calvinist or Reformed or Joy Centered theology is sweeping our nation as many have found a “self help” or man centered view of God empty and lacking of joy. A reformed view of God is one that is systematic. It helps you to understand and know what you believe and it brings it all together in a unified manner. A reformed theology view has 5 foundational stones which encourages the believer greatly and helps them in their walk and growth in God.
1. It is centered on God. It is not centered on man. It helps the believer understand the nature and character of God Himself and how we understand the nature of man. It raises man’s view of God to lofty heights causing one to take sin seriously because it takes God seriously. Sin offends God and violates human beings.
2. It is based upon God’s Word alone. All other views would perhaps say the same thing but in the reformed view you will find the heavy heavy use of scripture ie… you will find less use of stories and practical how to’s. Look at any of John Piper’s writings and you will find it 50% scripture. This view takes scripture as the authoritative Word of God without error in the original manuscripts and practical for use in faith and all walk of life.
3. It is committed to faith alone. Justification by faith alone is the central call of real evangelical faith. This is not a belief of the reformed tradition alone but you would not have a reformed view of faith without it. The father of the reformation – Luther said, “this is the article by which the church stands without which it falls.” Luther said that it is the head and the cornerstone. It is the element which deals with the issue that every human must confront – how can a sinner, and unjust person, ever withstand the judgment of a holy and just God?
4. It is devoted to Jesus Christ alone. It teaches the fullness of Jesus Christ as Prophet, Priest and King.
5. It is structured by three covenants. This is why it sometimes is called Covenant Theology. This is why divides it from dispensational theology which divides the bible into 7 dispensations or time periods. It follows the covenant of redemption which is the work of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit in bringing about the redemption of God’s chosen ones, the covenant of works which implies mans response to the redemption, man works as a result of the redemption ie… man is created in God’s image and is given the ability to mirror and reflect God’s character through obedience. Last but not least, the Covenant of Grace which says that man is incapable of and by and in himself of obedience, faith and godliness.
Doctrine #1 Man is radically corrupt
This can be misleading to some who think that there is absolutely no good in man and man is through and through corrupt. Hitler was not as bad as he could be – he did not kill his mother. Turn to Romans 3:9 -18. This is the basic foundational scripture for this doctrine. READ . Notice what it says:
* there is no one who is righteous – not one. No living human being on the face of this earth in his or her original state is in right standing with God. No one can stand before God. So – the saying, “children are basically good” is false and a lie of the devil.
* there is no one who understands. No one understands the things of God. No one can comprehend the things of God. This is why many read or heard the bible and it makes no sense to them. In 1 Cor. 2:14 Paul says that it is foolishness to them.
* there is no one who seeks after God. Man does not find God – God finds man. Man does not seek after God, God seeks after man. A God focused theology – not a man centered theology. This is why once a person comes to Christ, his or her seeking after God does not end. Jonathan Edwards said the seeking after God is the main business of the Christian life. Is there such a thing as a “seeker”?
* If an unbeliever is asked if they hate God, they would probably deny it. Yet, the scripture in Romans 3 makes it plain that in the heart of man is a deep hatred for God. Love for God is not natural for man. Even when a man is saved, our soul tends to grow cold and we experience feelings of indifference toward God.
Man’s Moral Ability
Alone, man has no moral ability to come to God to choose God or to reflect God. This is one brief statement of this belief. Man has lost his ability of will to any spiritual good to bring about salvation. Man is not only lost but his is wholly lost. It is a radical and complete loss – but that does not mean that man has lost the ability to choose but simply he has lost the ability to choose anything to bring about salvation.
Scriptures to Examine and Read:
* Ephesians 2:1 -5
* Romans 7:15-19
* John 6:63-68
Ramifications of a radical corruption belief ?