read this book where Piper deals with the issue of "What does
it mean to be born again."

Piper writes his book with the bold claim that there is a
profound mistake in our country. Piper writes on p.13
"I want to say loud and clear that when the Barna Group uses the term "born again" to describe American church-goers whose lives are indistinguishable from the world, who sin as much as the world, and sacrifice for others as little as the world, and embrace injustice as readily as the world, and covet things as greedily as the world, and enjoy God-ignoring entertainment as enthusiastically as the world - when the term born again is used to describe these professing Christians, the Barna Group is making a profound mistake. It is using the biblical term "Born Again" in a way that would make it unrecognizable by Jesus and the biblical writers." ----- I highly recommend reading Piper's book.