Joyous Giving
Stewardship #5
November 16th
Pastor Ben Fleming
Turn in your bible to the book of Philippians chapter 4. A mother and her son lived in a forest. One day when they were out walking a tornado surprised them. The mother clung to a tree and tried to hold her son but the winds tore him out of her hands and into the sky. He was gone. The woman began to weep and pray: Please, O Lord, bring back my boy – He is all I have. I’d do anything not to lose him. If you’ll bring him back, I’ll serve you all my days. Suddenly the boy toppled form the sky right in front of her feet – a bit mussed up, but safe and sound. Mom happily brushed him off and then she stopped and looked into the sky and said – “he had a hat, Lord”………….. Does this story not illustrate our attitudes that we battle with towards God – even when God blesses us greatly – we still want more -------------especially when it comes to money and possessions. We want more stuff and better stuff and we want to do anything and everything there is – regardless of how much it costs.
When it comes to finances – most of God’s people are in a constant state of dissatisfaction with what they have. We are sinners and by nature materialists --- we tell ourselves that we have to have more or get the newer version that everybody else has. Materialism is a constant temptation to God’s people. On your outline look at Webster’s Definition:
Materialism = the theory or doctrine that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life…. If you are a Christian, you would deny that you believe in materialism but many believers who are not materialists in theory are materialists in practice…..In his book Worldliness, C.J. Maheny says “coveting is desiring stuff too much or desiring too much stuff.” Stuff is not evil but how is your stuff used for God. In the 18th century – the countess of Huntington - who was one of the richest women in the British Empire at that time – used her wealth and properties for the evangelical revival of that day. Her stuff - was constantly at the disposal of the ministry of evangelist George Whitefield. Recently --- Texas oilman Bunker Hunt used his millions to pay for the making and distribution of the Jesus Film which has reached millions with the Good News of Jesus. Write in another definition on your outline:
Covetousness = is a glutton for stuff. We are a nation of gluttons – look at the storage shed business – yard sales – thrift stores and pawn shops. The attraction of stuff is a distraction to our hearts. Stuff takes on a meaning in our lives far beyond what God intends. You know you have been trapped and are a practicing materialists when you think there is a certain amount of money you must have or there is something that you must buy before you can be happy. When you get that new car, when you get a faster computer, when you get that newer house or those new clothes, when you get the 80 gig ipod or the Mac Laptop – then you will be satisfied….. Financial discontentment will ruin you. It is one of the reasons (but not the only) why you are in debt. It is one of the reasons why you pay overdraft charges which are going up more and more. Discontentment robs you of joy and it causes the work of God to go without adequate financial support around the world…….. Contentment is what we need. When you learn to be content – you will find that you have more money. When you learn to be content you will find your marriage stronger. Jerry Bridges in Respectable Sins says that discontentment is a sin we tolerate. So – how can we find contentment? How can you stop being deceived and taken in by materialism? Please stand as we read our text this morning in Phillippians and we are going to find in Paul’s words principles for financial contentment. Philippians 4:10 -14
Principles of Financial Contentment
1. Financial contentment comes when you are satisfied in plenty or poverty. The Philippians believers had sent a financial gift with Epahproditus to Paul when he was in prison. Paul says that he knew that they had always been concerned for him but they lacked the opportunity to express their concern for Paul practically. The phrase “Lacking the opportunity” – perhaps meant that they lacked any money whatsoever to send to Paul or they lacked a messenger to take the money to Paul but now Epaphroditus was bringing the gift to Paul and he was very pleased. In verse 11 and 12 Paul says that he had learned to be content in plenty or in poverty. He knew what it meant to have plenty and he knew what it meant to be without. On your outline write it in:
Content = autarkes, self – sufficient and emotionally independent of changing financial circumstances. The Greek philosophers used this word to describe a person who had an inner strength to face whatever happened to him, good or bad, with neither joy nor sorrow…. The Greeks considered this achievement the ultimate goal in life……. When Paul said that he was content, he meant that he was not dependent on money for satisfaction in life. He did not need new furniture, he was thankful for his yard sale furniture – the camel that he used to get around was slow, but it got him there…. How do you battle for contentment in your life and how to battle against materialism??? Two answers: Begin to be a giver and give to the point where you notice how much you gave……. and as you give….. be a saver. Refuse to live from paycheck to paycheck --- every person in here should be able to afford to put aside $5 a week in savings and leave it alone. Force yourself to live on a margin and if you cannot…. then ask someone to help you and hold you accountable. Your money is going to continue to control you or you are going to learn to control it. Every two weeks I write two checks – the first one is our giving check and the second one is to savings ---- 2nd principle
2. Financial contentment is possible in your life. Look at verse 11 and 12. Paul says he does not speak from want: He was not expressing his appreciation for the gift because he was dissatisfied with his circumstances. He had learned to be content. He had learned to be content with plenty and with poverty. Think about it: If the apostle Paul had to learn to be content - what makes you and me think that we do not have to learn the same?????? What did it take for Paul to learn contentment? What is it going to take for you? We still have not caught it as a nation ---- we believe we to have a new rescue plan --- we believe we need the government to send us another stimulus check to spend so that things will be better. I realize there a many people unemployed, but : when God is writing these words to us through the apostle Paul --- Paul is in prison in Rome and he is chained to a guard. He was unemployed and did not receive an unemployed check. God had Paul confined in prison for 4 years – he had no privacy day or night. When he went to the bathroom the guard was with him. Paul claims that he was satisfied – content and joyful…. and listen to me --- he had the same Holy Spirit that you and I have today. You can learn to be content today: You can be content with thrift store clothes. You can be content with a small house. You can be content shopping at Grocery Outlet. You can be content without internet and cable TV. You can be content with no vacation – stay put for Thanksgiving and Christmas – do not spend money you do not have on gas. Stop eating out ----I know to some that is tough but did you know that you can buy a Healthy Choice dinner at Grocery Outlet for $1.29 and microwaves are everywhere. Let’s examine this learning contentment more. 3d principle…
3. Financial contentment is a secret to be learned. Look what Paul writes: vs 11. “I have learned to be content” and in verse 12, “I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry.” Paul uses in this sentence two different Greek words when he wrote this letter.
Verse 11. “Learned” meaning: Learn through experience.
Verse 12. “Learned” meaning: Learn a secret not known to everybody. This second word that Paul used means that he had learned a secret not known to everyone. He had been initiated into a secret which he had permanently mastered……. God must have taken Paul through many difficult circumstances, we do not know if he had filed for bankruptcy or if his wages were garnished. We do not know if he visited a food closet or he had to pay off medical bills. We do know that he went hungry at times and we know that he made money as a tentmaker – God took him through so many circumstances that he had learned to permanently be financially satisfied in any circumstance. Contentment is not natural. When cell phones came out I remember how many people were so excited when they came out with a camera in them and could not wait till they got one. God will take you through financial discontentment to teach you many lessons: ---3 lessons
* Money will never satisfy you.
Eccles 5:10 “ He who loves money never had money enough, whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.”
A wise man once wrote: “Money will buy a bed but not sleep; books but not brains; food but not appetite; finery but not beauty; a house but not a home; medicine but not health; luxuries but not culture; amusements but not happiness, religion but not salvation – a passport to everywhere but heaven.” --- #2 lesson
* The love of money will produce misery. Many many Americans are finding that out this year. Some of you know that misery. You know what it feels like. You know the trouble and worry that it is causing you.
1 Timothy 6: 6 -10 “ But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into may foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many grief’s.” America’s oil founder J. Paul Getty said, “I find all this money a considerable burden” and Henry Ford said, “I was happier when I was doing a mechanics job”. I put this one on your outline:
“if we believe that heaven is our country, it is better for us to transmit our wealth, than to retain it here, where we may lose it by sudden removal” - John Calvin LESSON #3
* Money provides a false sense of security.
1 Timothy 6:17 “Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.” C.S. Lewis has written that “He who has God and everything has no more than he who has God alone.” 4TH PRINCIPLE OF FINANCIAL CONTENTMENT
4. Financial contentment comes with a grateful spirit. Look what Paul wrote in verse 10 “I rejoiced greatly…” and then in verse 14 “You have done well… meaning you did a great thing by sending me a gift.” Paul did not assume that these believers knew he was thankful – he made sure that they knew it and that they knew how appreciative he was…. Paul was financially content and that contentment made him deeply grateful for anything he received.
A discontented person is usually an ungrateful person. Discontented believers are filled with self pity because they do not have more or what they did get the have an entitlement attitude ---- they believe they deserve to have more. You find this killing our culture today and even in the church where someone does not even think to send a thank you card for a gift that was given to them. If you have a grateful spirit because of contentment that will provoke a believer today to go out of their way to communicate in any way possible thanks giving for a gift from someone – especially a believer.
It has been said that “the things we take for granted are a dream to many people.” You and I are richer than 95% of the world’s population.
Let me ask you? Are you a grateful person? Do you freely express thanks when someone gives you a gift . Do you expect people to assume you are thankful? Or do you act and think as if you had it coming??????
5. Financial contentment is required by God. In verses 11 -12 there is a sense that Paul is giving believers a command to be content. He had learned to be content in poverty and with plenty. Hebrews 13:5 “Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have.” He is relating contentment with ones possessions and money to ones character. It is the will of God that you and I learn to be content with Jesus Christ whether we are rich or poor. The Greeks were stoics. Stoicism taught that you could reach contentment by denying your emotions and desires. They said that you could only get contentment by killing all your longings and feelings.
To them – contentment could only be attained by never looking at a commercial --- stop looking at the best buy ads. Danny – a stoic would never speak to an advertising man for fear that you might infect them.
God commands the believer to have a joyful satisfaction than is independent of his or her financial circumstances. Joyful satisfaction is humanly impossible. True satisfaction can only come when you find Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord. You might have gotten yourself in the situation you are in through many foolish decisions. You bought this and you bought that. You took that loan thinking you could easily pay it back. Perhaps your health has got you in debt with medical bills? How can you get to the point where you are independent of money for happiness?
6. Financial contentment is achieved by the power of Christ in your life. (vs.13) “I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.” Believer – Jesus Christ can give you the power to get out of debt and stay out. He will give you the power to begin to be a joyful giver.You do not wait until you arrive at contentment to give --- giving is the fire to find contentment and it is only in knowing Jesus that you will have find true lasting contentment. Comment and expound
Phil’s Testimony
Let us pray: Would you pray that prayer to God if it communicates your heart? Lord Jesus Christ I confess that I have sinned against You by my discontentment with money and possessions You have given to me. I now surrender to your will for me, whether it means financial plenty or poverty. By faith I ask you to empower me so that I can be satisfied with my financial condition. In Your name Jesus I ask You. Amen