Paul tells Timothy, "Preach the Word. Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching." I am weekly faced with the task of preaching the Word of God. I work 20-25 hours at preparing, praying, writing and reading so that I may present to God's people spiritual food which is of deep substance to them, to challenge them, encourage them, feed them and lift them up. I have been recently focusing on one word in each message. Do they hear what that one word is? Do they understand that one word? Does it stick with them more than 48 hours?
How do we hear God's Word? Hearing God's Word is a discipline. You have to practice attending a New Testament church where the preaching of God's Word is the main focus. Many listen to God's Word but Jesus said in Luke 11:28 "blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey it." Is my call as a pastor just preaching the Word of God or faciliting and confronting God's people with obeying it? Should there be more focus on obedience? If God's people are not obedient they are disobedient and need to be rebuke. What do you think? What would happen if on Sundays I publically rebuked people in front of others? I wonder if anyone reads my blog anymore?