Becoming a Believer of Integrity and Forgiveness
The Life of Joseph #6
September 14, 2008
Pastor Ben Fleming
Photo of my family – Thank you to the deacons for allowing us to go. Thank you for supporting Tuesday night with Pastor Thomas. We will again be with him this Tuesday and I will be there. When you think of peace what do you think of? Come on Tuesday night with us and learn about the three dimensions of what is real peace. And thank you to Phil for filling in for me and telling us your heart for the mission field.
Turn in your bible to the book of Genesis chapter 41. We are studying the life of Joseph. My daughter Mandy is on a semester study abroad program right now in South Africa and if I am correct she began to prepare for that in February. You heard from Phil last week and if I am correct – it was over two years ago that Phil and Stacie began to seriously prepare to go to the mission field. Sally was 34 years old before she got married and she said “I can look back and see all of the years of preparation that was done in my life before I got married.”…… On Tuesday – Cheryl and I rode back on an airplane from Columbus Ohio that I simply assumed had been prepared for the flight – mechanically – plenty of fuel and the pilots were sober and trained. You assume that I have prepared for this message and rightly so. You are preparing to elect a president in November – you are either preparing by asking yourself “am I going to make my choice on moral biblical grounds or am I going to simply do as I have always done… and I know that some even say they are not going to vote --- which for a real believer is rebellion and sin. Some get prepared – get registered to vote pick up a voter guide in the entryway. As a believer in Jesus Christ you can look back and see the events in your life – especially the painful ones and see how God has used them to prepare you for the future……Some of you have more painful events in your life than others. But, you are able to see how God has patiently brought you through them – how He has taught you and how He has fashioned your character…. so that He may use you to fulfill His plan and purpose for His Kingdom. The prophet Jeremiah wrote down God’s words in chapter 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.” Do you want those plans for your life? Are you willing to let God lead you and prepare you for those plans?
Joseph had gone through 13 painful years of preparation. Two weeks ago we talked about waiting on God. When we wait on God – He often is preparing us. Joseph was in prison and the King had a dream and no one could tell him what it meant and the cupbearer who had forgotten about Joseph for 2 years tells the King about him – the King calls for Joseph and he tells the King what his dreams meant and Joseph takes a bold leap and suggests to the King a plan of action for the nation of Egypt. The King must have sensed a divine presence in this man and says “can we find this man, in whom is the spirit of God?”
Vs.41 says “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt”. This was not new to Joseph. Do you remember in chapter 39 – when Potiphar saw the character of Joseph – he was put in charge of his entire household – God was preparing Joseph for something in the future….. When he was thrown into jail – the warden saw his character and he put him in charge of the entire prison – God was preparing him….. God used that time in the dungeon to mold and fashion Joseph and now Pharaoh puts him in charge of the land of Egypt. Not only was he put in charge of the land of Egypt but do not miss what the King did.
First, the King gave Joseph geographical control – the whole land of Egypt was put under him. At that time – Egypt was as big as the Mesoptania empire. He gave him financial authority. Verse 42 says – the king took his signet ring and put it on his finger – this gave Joseph an unlimited budget. He could sign checks and order anything that he wanted to and he had no limit. The king trusted him. Joseph could buy anything or pay for anything to carry out the King’s business. Remember – Joseph was in charge of the finances of Potiphars household. He had been prepared by God for this task. Potiphar and the Warden had most likely told the King about him. They told the king that this man could be trusted with any amount of money. Let me ask you? Do you know anyone who would trust you with their fiancés??? Do you know anyone who is talking to others about how well you manage money? If the king were to look at your finances would he trust you with his?
Jesus said in Luke 16:10-11 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?”
Not only did the King trust Joseph with the Federal Reserve Bank of Egypt but he put royal garments on Joseph – he was given social privilege and if you look at verse 43 – he was given royal privileges – he rode around in a presidential limo and when he came by people they bowed their knee before him. Egyptian people were bowing before a non Egyptian. In verse 44 it says that the King also gave him political power – “but without your word no one will lift a hand in all of Egypt” ---- That day – Joseph became one of the most esteemed – respected and powerful men in the world of his day. Do you think God was preparing Joseph in those 13 years for this day? Do you think God used the time and experience in Potiphar’s house and the time in the dungeon????? Do you think God is preparing you to be used by Him? What are you going through right now that you have no idea what is happening and what God is doing in your life and how He is going to use your trials and suffering for His glory?
Are you willing to wait until God promotes you and says that your preparation is over??????
Notice: God used a pagan king to bring about His plan. There are two more vital points that were can see this King did and they deal with Joseph’s religious position. First – the king changes Joseph’s name and calls him Zaphe nath – Pa neah – that does not mean anything to us but in that name is the word “nath” – which to all Egyptians would have meant – “the god who speaks and lives”. In his own pagan way – the king wanted the people to see that this man was no ordinary man and his god was not an ordinary god. Second – the king gave Joseph a wife and her name was Ase -nath – notice the last part of her name came from his and she was the daughter of a religious priest. God gives them two sons. It is very important to see that you do not find Joseph taking another wife --- he does not have a concubine. Joseph lived a monogamous life. He had not engaged in premarital sex and yet the bible says he was well built and a handsome hunk ---- He was an oddball among the Hebrews and especially an oddball among the Egyptians.
--- Let me ask you this question and I could go off on a side tangent on this. Is there something about the character and integrity of a man which stands or falls on a man’s sexual purity??? We all know that there is – biblically and non biblically. Republican and Democratic politicians who have fallen sexually have lost their character and integrity and pastors who fall sexually loose their character and integrity. We do not trust someone who is sexually immoral – they have no integrity, they loose all influence. You do not trust them. This is why pornography pollutes and destroys character and integrity. Let me come back to the text. How did God prepare Joseph? 3 ways
God’s Preparation of Joseph
1. Pride. There is nothing more damaging to a person than pride. God will not use His children who are full of pride. God will break them. He will discipline them – He will bring pain to them. When we are full of pride most of the time we are blind to it…… Joseph was a prime candidate for pride. He was the favorite son. He had a special place in his family from birth. His father had given him a special robe to wear. God had given him two special dreams. Not only that but the bible tells us that he was well built and a handsome young man. That fact alone could have lead him to be full of pride. It would be in any society. Looks builds up. Looks gives us confidence. We walk tall when we have no zits – our hair is sharp and our clothes stand out. Joseph would have been the star quarterback – the homecoming King and the valedictorian. He had everything going for him – but God had plans for him. God had plans to prepare him. God had plans to break him of his pride and prepare him to be used for God’s glory. Look on your outline at the scripture.
1 Peter 1: 7 “These have come (trials) so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” God will cause – He will fashion and bring about trials in your life to prepare you for use in the future. He will especially bring trials into your life to file off and remove your pride….. Joseph passed each of the tests God brought his way – he did not become bitter – he had a forgiving spirit and he maintained a servants heart……. You and I can pass the tests God brings our way just like Joseph did. God prepared Joseph by filing off his pride and #2 He prepared Joseph by teaching him
2. Perseverance When God uses His people He expects them to not give up. He expects them to be faithful. God honors faithfulness. He expects them to be a person of their word. Their yes is yes and their no is no. If you are going to be a leader in God’s economy you are going to encounter rumors, false accusations, misunderstandings and breakdowns in communications. You are going to find any and every opportunity to quit and escape. If you are going to be used by God and trusted by God you have got to learn to take the responsibility for the mistakes of others. You have to refuse to have a victim mentality. When pressure comes your way you do not give up. Joseph had all that happen to him ---- God prepared him on the camel ride to Egypt --- he prepared him in the house of Potiphar – He prepared him in the dungeon. With every difficulty he faced – Joseph grew closer to God. He learned to trust God more and more. When it came time to accept the appointment to be over all of Egypt – Joseph did not excuse himself --- he did not talk and tell the King he could not do it --- he knew the task was enormous… but through the past 13 years he had learned to persevere – he knew that God would help him fulfill the task ahead. Do you feel like giving up? Do you feel like giving up at school? Do you feel like giving up at work? Do you feel like giving up on your marriage? Do you feel like giving up in your walk with God? Don’t – you can persevere like Joseph did. If you know and love the same God he did – God will not let you down. God is using your circumstances to teach you to persevere and prepare you for the greater things in His Kingdom.
3. Performance God used every circumstance in Joseph’s life to teach him to perform. He gave him the house of Potiphar and he gave him the prison under the warden. Each time – Joseph proved himself. He was faithful – he was trustworthy – he did not complain – he did not gossip – he did not cause problems and he worked hard at the tasks that were given to him. Can you imagine the task that the King gave to him? Verse 47 it says that “he stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea” in ever city of Egypt. The amount of grain became so much that he stopped keeping records and it was beyond measure. Can you imagine the honesty and integrity that was required of him?
When the famine hit --- can you imagine the distribution job that he faced??? How was he going to be fare to all the people? If keeping integrity and honesty during the first 7 years was a challenge can you imagine the challenge during the years of famine???? All of this operation fell upon Joseph’s shoulders. When the people began to come to the king for food the bible tells us in verse 55 that he said – “go to Joseph and do what he tells you to do”. Joseph performed the same way that he did in the dungeon and he performed the same way that he did in Potiphars house. God prepared Joseph for this task and he did not let God down. God gave him the wisdom - He gave him the organizational and leadership skills. God always provides for His children for every need in every circumstance…. and in every challenge before them. God will never call you to do anything for His glory and leave you unprepared. The task God gave Joseph was tailor made for him and when he was ready God opened the door of opportunity.
So - Do you believe the tasks God has for you has been tailor made for you??? Are you willing to go through the preparation that God has laid out for you? Are you willing for Him to deal with and break down your pride? Are you willing to persevere through anything? Are you willing to be faithful and have Him examine your performance?????
Lessons from Joseph’s Life
Lesson #1 God wants to teach us lessons that will help us avoid the pitfalls of pride. Very few of us will ever be given the task that Joseph was given but all of us have a purpose and a plan that God has laid for us and we need to be prepared just like Joseph. God cannot and will not use a believer who is full of pride.
Could this be why so many men and women are powerless and having no impact for Jesus Christ in our society???? When pride is an issue in your life you are powerless for God. You will bring God no glory and you will find no joy in God and no blessing from God in your life. Like the issue of sexual purity and character I could spend hours on the sin of pride.
Proverbs 6:16 - 19 “There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.” Do you see what is at the top of the list that God hates? Pride – same thing as haughty eyes. Someone who looks down on others and sees themselves as better. God hates pride and He especially hates it in the lives of His children.
Pride has destroyed the effectiveness of more believers than any other sin --- it keeps us from rising to the level of responsibility God had in mind for us. If you and I allow God to prepare us and walk us through the lessons He has for us he will prepare us and prune pride from us. AW Tozer put it this way: I put it on your outline:
“The devil, things, and people being what they are, it is necessary to use the hammer, the file and the furnace in the holy work of preparing the saint for the sainthood. It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” – A.W. Tozer
Lesson #2 God wants to prepare us spiritually and emotionally to persevere as we face difficult responsibilities in our lives.
I had the opportunity to climb up old White Bird Summit on route 95. (PHOTOS) It was 7 miles to the top – cold, windy and rainy. A winding road that was still used by farm trucks but around every bend it seemed like you would never get to the top. It was really beautiful. It took perseverance. I thought of that climb As I looked back on my life – I can see what God did in and through me as a 18 year old who came to faith in Jesus. I can remember the sting of the hammer – many times. At 23 years old -- I can remember the loneliness as I went back to the cottage in the forest from where I taught day after day at the University of Swaziland and how I had to choose to be a faithful teacher for 2 years and minister to students on that campus.
I can remember being under Bob Neese who was my supervisor – I could not understand how God put him over me as my leader. I remember thinking – what in the world is God trying to teach me?? Bob left and then it was Larry. You would think after 6 years I would learn? But God was still hammering away at me. I look back and think about standing at the top of White Bird Summit and the bends in the road where I came from --- some of you are at the bottom of the summit in your life – some of you are in your teens. Are you willing to let God prepare you spiritually and emotionally? Some of you are in your 20’s – how about you? Most guys in their 20’s are doing their own thing --- letting God prepare them spiritually and emotionally is the furthest thing from their minds. You could even be in your 60’s and 70’s ---- God is still preparing you and molding you and hammering your character and taking you through whatever it takes. The apostle Peter commands the believer to grow spiritually
2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. “
We are to grow because God is preparing us. It takes work to grow. It takes discipline to grow. God will take us through whatever He needs to so that He might work in us and prepare us for the work ahead of us. You are either going to walk through the future trusting God or rebelling against Him all the way. Are you willing to participate in what God is doing in your life? Are you willing to grow spiritually? It will take time – it will take discipline – God can use in the same way that He used Joseph – would you let him?
Let us pray: Heavenly Father – thank you that you prepare your children for your kingdom. You prepare your children for your plans and for your purpose to bring You glory. Thank you that you will hammer away any pride ---- thank you that you will teach us to perservere and thank you that you will give us the opportunity to perform. Lord we ask for your help. We ask that we would run the race that You have set before us. We ask that we would not drift away. Lord restore and renew the believer her this morning who is caught in depression – discouragement and despair. Break the pride of any believer in this room and humble them. Use us – like You used Joseph. In Jesus name -- amen