For every very lifted out of context in the bible to support the gospel of health and wealth, fifty can be found exhorting faithfulness in the now. In John 16:33, Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world."
Through suffering, God shows who we really are. Your character comes out in the midst of pain and grief. When we came back from Seattle, we were picked up by church members who on the way home told us the husband was diagnosed with cancer. It amazed me how much my attitude changed and the kindness that I felt towards them. Suffering, for the believer produces perseverance and persevereance produces in them character; and character, hope." Without knowing Christ, someone who suffers has no hope.
I want to be one who walks with others through their suffering. I want to listen and I want point them to Christ and His tenderness. When we gave Ben and Becky a heart charm to put on Caleb's urn, Becky pointed to a necklace that she was given that was a tear drop. Suffering is not without tears. Suffering is not without pain.