“A Living Faith”
James #13
Pastor Ben Fleming
March 22nd
How do you know God’s will for your life? Have you ever asked that question? At first you might see nothing wrong with the question. You have asked that and you have even thought it – I know I have….. But it is the wrong question to ask. If you ask the wrong question you are going to get the wrong answer. In his study, “Knowing and Doing the Will of God”, Henry Blackabee says the right question is “What is God’s will?” In other words, what is it that God is purposing where you are. Once you know what God is doing, then you know what you need to do.” slide Your focus needs to be on God, not your life. 2x
During the US civil war Abraham Lincoln met with a group of ministers for a prayer breakfast. Lincoln was a man of deep, deep radical, faith. At one point one of the ministers said, "Mr. President, let us pray that God is on our side". But Lincoln responded to him , "No, gentlemen, let us pray that we are on God’s side."
An old Scottish woman went from home to home across the countryside selling thread, buttons, and shoestrings. When she came to an unmarked crossroad, she would toss a stick into the air and go in the direction the stick pointed when it landed. One day, however, she was seen tossing the stick up several times. "Why do you toss the stick more than once?" someone asked. "Because," replied the woman, "it keeps pointing to the left, and I want to take the road on the right." She then dutifully kept throwing the stick into the air until it pointed the way she wanted to go!
Turn in your bible to the book of James. We have been studying a letter written to God’s people to enable them and to encourage them to experience and pursue a living faith. We have been learning from James that the marks of a living faith is a controlled tongue – it is a humble attitude – it is a life of prayer --- victory over temptation - and it is a genuine faith demonstrated through good works. Today --- James says that a genuine believer has a sincere desire to do the will of God. Stand as we read James chapter 4
In Psalm 40:8 David wrote, “I desire to do Your will oh my God; Your law is within my heart.” but we find later that David struggled with doing the will of God. In Psalm 143:10 he writes, “Teach me to do Your will for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” David needed to be taught to do God’s will. Jesus gave a sober statement about doing the will of God in Mark 3:35 “Whoever does God’s will is My brother and sister and mother.” So – doing the will of God says something about your faith. It says something about belonging to Christ. You cannot claim to be one of His followers and yet you do not do… nor do you have a desire to do the will of God. I did not say that…. Jesus did…………In Matthew 7:21 Jesus warned “ Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.” So doing the will of God has much to do with a person having saving faith.
Jesus is our example of doing the will of God. Jesus said, in John 6:38 “For I have come down from heaven not to do My will by to do the will of Him who sent Me.” And then when His followers wanted him to eat some food in John 4:34 Jesus said back to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent Me and to finish His work.”……….. Being fully man as well as being fully God – Jesus Christ had to choose to do the will of God and not His own will. You have to choose to do the will of God --- I have to choose to do the will of God.
Now --- so far we have only been looking at doing the will of God. The question for us is not “What is God’s will for my life – the question is “what is God’s will.”……...Knowing the will of God is easier than doing it. Everyone of you know that. We have been given God’s will – it is right here in this paper thing called the bible. God does not hide His will from us ---- He has given us all that we need to be able to know His will. We are not going to address what is God’s will but we are going to examine our responses to the will of God.
James addresses the will of God in his letter to the believers in the church in the same practical way that he has been writing throughout this letter to believers. James uses the illustration of a businessman who pulled out his blackberry and checked his schedule and made 6 phone calls to book up sales meetings in 6 different cities for the next week. James gives us 4 insights into how people respond to the will of God. 3 of those insights are negative and 1 of them is positive. We are going to look at the negative responses first. POINT #1
1. You are foolish when you ignore the will of God. (vs. 13 -14) “Now listen you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
James says, when you and I ignore the will of God we are foolish. When you live as if God does not exist or with the idea that God is indifferent to how you live or what you do – you are foolish. The phrase James begins with in (verse 13) is the words (“Now listen”) they appear here and in chp. 5:1. He is saying --- listen up --- get this!!!! The illustration of the businessman he uses is referring to those who live their lives without regard to the will of God. His illustration would have been familiar to every believer who was reading his letter. Many Jewish people who were dispersed around the ancient world were successful businessmen and merchants in trade cities. James is not saying that it is wrong to plan and strategize in business and in your life --- these guys were not breaking spiritual principles in what they were doing but the problem lied in what they did not do….. They planned, but in their planning God, was totally ignored. God was not part of their agenda. God was nowhere on their priority list. God was a last min thought. When all else failed they would turn to God. You know people who would think like that and maybe you have thought like that?????
We all know that God is not part of the agenda of many today – inside the church and outside of the church. We do what we want to do ---- when we want to do it -----and how we want to do it without involving God in our activities and plans. When what we want to do conflicts with the Word of God we simply go ahead and do what we want with an attitude that God is understanding and full of grace and He will overlook our ignoring His will…………….James says that is foolishness……..
Jesus warned people about the foolishness of leaving God out of ones life by telling a parable: On your outline. Luke 12:16 – 21 “”The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops. This is what I will do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and goods. And I’ll say to myself, you have plenty good things laid up for many years. Take life easy: eat drink and be merry. But God said to him, You fool. This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself? This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich towards God.” ----------- Did you notice that it is God who calls the person a fool who ignores the will of God……
Now go back to James 4 -- notice in verse 14 of chapter 4 that James says when you ignore the will of God there are two reasons why you must not: First he says – “you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.” You do not know if today is your last day – you do not know if your house is going to burn down tonight -- you do not know if tomorrow you will be alone or you will be a quadriplegic as a result of a car accident or you will be diagnosed with cancer----- this is one of there reason why it is not God’s will for a believer to presume and go into consumer debt --- buy now ---- pay later---- and then Second, James says “you are just a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
---- the bible says life is as quick as a puff of smoke ------ life is like steam rising from a cup of coffee or your breath on a cold morning. When you live your life without any consideration of the will of God – you are foolish. So – this is negative – lets make it positive with two application questions. ----- write them in
*. What have you given up or changed in your life this past year so as to obey the will of God?
*. How could you seek to make God a bigger part of the agenda of your life? Second response to the will of God…………………………..
2. You are arrogant when you deny the will of God. (vs. 16) “As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil.” The first group of people James wrote about in verses (14 -15) live as if God does not exist and God has no will……. now this second group knows that God exists and that God has a will but they arrogantly reject it. Perhaps this second group is what characterizes many in the church today? My goals – my plans – my desires are more important than what God’s plans are for me. God wants me happy so I am going to do what I enjoy. I am going to set aside God’s will for my desires in favor of mine. Many many do that today. Those whom James was writing to were doing it. James says that there are believers in the church who are boasting about what they are doing and how they are living. The NIV gave us the word brag. It should be arrogance. I think it is a better translation from the greek word (alazoneia) Write this in on your outline:
Arrogance = comes from a root word meaning to wander about. It was used as well to describe someone who traveled around selling phony goods. If you take the word boast and arrogance – it gives you the picture of something that someone does not have and can’t obtain and they intern deny the will of God. They will do anything or say anything regardless of how it hurts others and how outside the will of God it is in order to get or do what they want.
William Henley wrote a famous poem that really describes the person James is writing about in this verse. Let me try and re sight it for you:
Out of the night that cover me. Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance – I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance --- My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears --- Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years -- finds, and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. ------------ you are arrogant when you deny the will of God. Where or how has that been happening in your life?????????? 3rd negative response to the will of God.
3. You sin when you disobey God’s will for your life. (vs. 17) “Anyone then who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it sins.” All of us are guilty of this response to the will of God. You know the right thing to do and you do not do it. You know what God’s Word says and you do not obey it. You rationalize it --- you avoid it ---- you run from it ---- you talk yourself out of it --- The bible tells us 2 Peter 3:9 that it is God’s will that you be saved – some of you sitting here are disobeying God when it comes to your salvation – you still have not come to Christ even though I am telling you it is God’s will that you be saved. You put it off ----- you see no reason to respond and come to Christ even though the bible says it is God’s will.
The bible tells us in Eph 5:18 that it is God’s will that every believer live their Christian life filled with the Holy Spirit – how many believers do you think obey God’s will in this area? The bible tells us in 1 Thess 4:3- 8 that it is God’s will that every believer live their life set apart and be actively engage in the sanctification process from the world and in 1 Peter 2:13 – we are told that it is God’s will that every believer live submissive lives – how many believers do you think arrogantly disobey God and rebel? Reminds me of an illustration I read….
Illustration: A mother took her 4 year old son to watch her older teenagers sons basketball game. As the game progressed – the 4 year old kept running out on to the court while the game was in progress. She grabbed her son and showed him the out of bounds line and explained in no uncertain terms that he was not to step over that line. No sooner had she backed away --- he stuck his toe over line and looked at her like, “I don’t care what you want, I’m going to do it my way!” We laugh but at heart, we are all like that boy. We’re rebels. And nowhere is that rebellion more apparent than in our relationship with God. God draws the line and says, “here is my will.” Something rises up in me and says, “I don’t care. I want it my way!”
1 Peter 3:17 tells us that it is God’s will that the believer suffer. You got to be kidding. We believe it is our right not to suffer. We are told – “how can suffering be God’s will?” When we know God’s will we are responsible to obey it and do it and when we do not we…. sin. If you think about it --------- the sin of this third group of people who respond to the will of God is perhaps more serious than the first two groups. Jesus put it this way in the parable of the faithful steward in Luke.
Luke 12: 47- 48 “The servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows.” ---- Jesus told that parable --- pretty strong is it not? Hard to stomach? The servant who knows his masters will and does not do it will be beaten with many blows. The parable lines up exactly with what happened to Jonah when he knew the will of God and he refused to do it. Only after being severely disciplined by God did he submit to obeying God’s will. Those who disobey God’s will – they will suffer the consequences. Many of you know that experientially personally or with someone close to you.
4. You are blessed when you acknowledge and pursue God’s will. (vs.15) “Instead, you ought to say, ”if it is the Lord’s will, we will do this or that.” A strong desire to do God’s will is the mark of a transformed life. Acknowledging God’s will – obeying God’s will is the response of a true believer.
If someone does not care about the will of God ---- the do not care about discovering the will of God and most of all they care nothing about obeying the will of God….. then you have to ask if they have a genuine living saving faith.
Doing God’s will for the believer is an act of worship. It is to be done with the right heart and as a way of life and Jesus said in John 13:17 when a believer does the will of God --- “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” We all want God to bless us and we want the blessings of God but the blessings of God come with premise ----- doing the will of God.
Summary: The will of God is more about who we become. God’s primary will for a believer is to be totally and completely surrendered to him and not conformed to the pattern of this world. I know that it would be nice if God would reveal his will for us on every aspect of our lives, but God’s will is more about who we become than what decisions that we make. It would be so easy if through hearing this message I could give you an answer to the tough decisions that you are making in your life. I believe that knowing and understanding what God’s will is for our lives begins with who we are. If we want to know what God wants us to do, then we must first strive to live a life of conformity to Him. You could look at the will of God in three aspects. Briefly
The Will of God
. God has a moral will. The Scriptures teach that God has a moral will or a will for each and every one of us. In Second Peter we learn that God’s will is that all be saved and come to repentance. There is no person that it is not the will of God that they are saved. But not all are going to be saved. I Thessalonians 4:3 says It is God’s will that each of us strive to live a holy life so that our daily life may reach outsiders with the good news of Jesus Christ. We need to strive to be in God’s moral will for us. Many people want answers and direction to every aspect of their lives, but I believe the bible tells you that if you remain in the moral will of God other answers in your life will be more clear.
2. God has a circumstantial will. I think that God also has a circumstantial will that can change with the circumstances. It was God’s will at one point to destroy all the Israelites and begin again with Moses. God’s will though changed due to the circumstances. It was God’s will that King Hezekiah would die, but God’s will changed due to the circumstances. It is very interesting as well that both of those times God’s will changed with his people praying. But that does not mean that we must fall into the trap of thinking that praying changes God. In Acts 16 we learn that Paul and his companions did not enter a city called Bithynia because the Spirit would not let them because of some unknown circumstances, but rather God wanted them to go and preach in Macedonia. The will of God depends much on the circumstances surrounding a decision that we may make.
3. God has a permissive will. I believe that there are also decisions that we may make in life where God does not have a specific will for your decision. A lot of decisions we make fall within what God allows us to do and decide to do with our own free will. I do not believe however, that God’s will is the same for every person. What God’s will is for me may be different than God’s will for you. We are very unique people; each one of us is different and has different gifts and abilities, much of God’s will for what he would have us do depends on those gifts and talents that He has given to us. Perhaps today you are sitting here thinking over a decision that you are in the process of making. Perhaps you are sitting here wondering what God’s will is for your life. Perhaps you are wondering what God’s will is for you to do for Him or how you can serve Him. Maybe some of the teenagers here are wondering what God’s will is for them to do with their lives. I think that seeing the will of God depends on our character first of all and secondly on our willingness to follow the will of God. For some you may not like what you think God’s will is for you. The reality is we need to be willing to be open to the will of God and do it in our lives.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
James #12
“A Living Faith”
Pastor Ben Fleming
Turn in your bible to the book of James. James is writing to the church family. He is writing to you and to me. Last week – we studied humility and the importance of growing in humility as a believer in Christ – today – James goes back to the tongue. He writes about what our relationship with other believers in a church family should be like. The opposite of humility is pride and pride is normally demonstrated by our tongues. We build people up or we tear them down. We are people who speak with grace or we speak with judgment. We are people who speak with kindness or we speak with harshness. It is one thing to speak truth to someone but it is another thing how and when you deliver that truth.
Kathy Plate was visiting her neighbor. While there, five-year-old Andrew pulled out his kindergarten class picture and began describing each classmate: “This is Robert; he hits everyone. This is Stephen; he never listens to the teacher. This is Mark; he chases us and is very noisy.” Then, pointing to his own picture, Andrew commented, “And this is me; I’m just sitting here minding my own business.” We have such a tendency to slander others, don’t we? We smile when a five-year-old boy does it. We, of course, are much more sophisticated in the way in which we slander others. Nevertheless, it is just as destructive and just as sinful.
When medieval monks compiled a list of 7 deadly sins, they included pride – covetousness – lust – envy – gluttony – anger and laziness. Absent from the list was the sin of slander. Why they did not include slander on their list is probably the same reason as today – slander is so widespread that we scarcely seem to notice it – especially when it comes from our own mouths………
Even though we have a casual attitude towards it – slander is a destructive sin. Surprisingly…. our society recognizes the gravity or seriousness of slander and we pass laws that allow those whose name is slandered to sue for defamation of character. The bible speaks volumes about slander and the people of God. For example: The OT says in Leviticus 19:16 “Do not go about spreading slander among your people” ---- God would not allow slander to be among the people of God. Psalm 15: 1 – 3 “Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue…” Entering into and experiencing the presence of God has something to do with what comes out of your mouth. Ephesians 4:30 - 31 “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice……”
A believer grieves the Holy Spirit when they slander. You grieve the Holy Spirit within you when your tongue is caustic. All throughout the Bible we will read of the affects of slander. Slander destroys friendships. Slander inflicts deep wounds. Slander stirs up contention and disunity and slander spreads strife. For some, slander can cause a person to loose all hope and they see no way out but to end their life.
Caution: Many will read these two verses that we are going to study and claim that you can never rebuke or judge another believer. This command against slander does not prohibit another believer from rebuking - warning or judging another believer for unrepentant sin. Public exposure to sin in the life of a believer is commanded in Matthew 18. Everyone of you who are covenant church members know that we teach and aim to practice biblical discipline as a church family and godly biblical discipline requires judging another believer according to the Word of God – however, today’s text does not address biblical discipline. Stand this morning chapter 4 --
What we say of others shows what we think. Do you speak words of blessing and grace or do you speak words of judgment and criticism? I asked someone to give me one positive comment about someone else and they had a hard time doing so ---- it wasn’t because they did not have positive points to say -------- they were just in the habiting of judging that other person. James gives us four points that show us how our speech hurts others – especially in the family of God. He shows us what happens when we are not humble and pride takes over . Consider his four points today with me would you?
1. Our words show us what we think of others. We judge others by our words. (11a) “Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him”
The word that James wrote down here which the NIV translates as slander can also be translated as speak evil of or slander is a put down. To slander means to make false charges in order to damage a person’s reputation. But the word is used in a much broader sense by James. James says you might speak the truth about a person and still be unkind, or you spread gossip that others have no business knowing. Let’s take it further ---- the word he used even means to question someone’s authority or nullifying a person’s good work.. by backbiting…… All of that hurts unity and harmony among believers. It does not demonstrate humility. Most of us in here would say that we have never slandered someone – but have you ever spoke to someone unkindly?? and have you ever questioned someone’s authority? As we use the word slander think of it in the broader context here that James uses it. James is saying --- brothers – do not slander one another --- anyone who speaks against his brother or sister in Christ judges them.
When you and I do not obey God’s Word with our tongues it shows what we think of other believers. Proverbs 10:18 says when we spread slander we are a fool. Ephesians 4:31 says to get rid of all bitterness – rage and anger – brawling and slander. How do you do that? Verse 32 says by being kind and compassionate and forgiving each other. And then verse 30 says “do not grieve the Holy Spirit”. So --- victory over slander in my life and your life has something to do with walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. Un forgiveness and bitterness causes a believer to slander. Bitterness in your heart lets your tongue be used by Satan. It shows you what you think of others and in turn it really shows you what you think of your relationship with God.
The apostle Paul knew how important unity and harmony were in a church family and in Titus 3:1-2 he wrote these words to Pastor Titus --- “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility to all men.” ……. Obviously God’s people need to be reminded to control their tongues. You need to be reminded – I need to be reminded. Submission and obedience in my life and your life results in a controlled tongue. Rebellious Christians are talkers – complainers and critical people. They are fault finders and full of judgment.
How do you silence slander from your mouth?
* Stay off the telephone with words about someone else. In the past 14 years I have had two men who said to me – “pastor you do not know how many people are calling me and complaining”. Those men were listeners to and encouragers of slander.
* Think and speak about a person with words of gratitude. Would you be ashamed to say what you say about someone if they were standing right behind you listening?
* Examine your attitudes and actions toward others. Do you avoid other believers? Learn to speak to everyone in your church family. 4thly
* Do you build people up or tear them down? You may think you build up others but is that what others would say about you? Make 7 positive encouraging statements to a person before you make one critical one to them. The second point James is making about our speech…………………
2. Our words show us what we think of the law. (11b) “Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge, you are not keeping it but sitting in judgment upon it.” When you and I slander each other in the family of God we do not love each other. When you do not love others you break the law of God. When you and I slander we do not love and therefore we stand and sit in judgment on the law of God. We speak against the royal law. Look on your outline at the words of a Pharisee ( a religious person) in Matthew and see how Jesus responded to him. Matthew 22:36- 40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your might. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
When I slander others it means I think nothing of the second commandment Jesus gave here. When you slander someone else you make yourself god and you make your own law. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 13:8 about the second commandment and in verse 10 he said, “Love does no harm to its neighbor. Love is the fulfillment of the law.” When people break a law knowingly, they set themselves above the law. The duty of a person is not to judge the law but to obey the law. When we speak evil of other believers we have appointed ourselves a judge of God’s law and tell ourselves we have a right to break it. To slander a fellow believer is to pass judgment upon them and no human being especially a believer has any right to judge – judgment belongs to God. Slander shows what we think of God’s law and it really shows the depth of our understanding of God’s love and how we love others.
Application: Reach out to a person today that you have not loved in some tangible way. It may be just a word of encouragement such as “it is good to see you today”. The 3rd point James is making
3. Our words show us what we think of God.
(Vs 12a) “There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy.” When you judge others with your words you attempt to place your self above God. Slander in our lives seeks to dethrone God – to remove Him and put ourselves as lawgiver and judge. You have done it and I have done it. This is what Satan did and when we do this we the sinner place ourselves on par with Satan.
Look on your outline at Isaiah 14:13 -14 Notice Satan’s 5 “I will’s. These are the words of Satan recorded by Isaiah the prophet. “I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” …… If you and I are going to control and mortify the sin of slander in our lives then we are going to have to see how much our careless words about others in the family of God is a sin against God…… we fall into the trap of acting and thinking like Satan when we do not care……….
Now let me address what many of you have heard and some fall into believing. You can take these two verses and say that Christians should never judge. Slander is judging someone – you are right. Slander is judging God and God’s law. Turn to Matthew chapter 7………….. vs.1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way that you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, let me take the speck out of your own eye, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and they you will see more clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” …………… So what does Jesus tell us here? Does He say do not judge other believers? NO ---- he says that we must judge but we must judge one another godly.
How to Judge Godly ------- 5 application points
* Make sure there is no log in your own eye. Examine your own life seriously before you open your mouth about something to another believer.
* Identify scripture that supports your judgment. If you are going to judge godly you must judge with the truth of God’s Word.
* Spend a season in prayer before you open your mouth ---------- 4thly
* Pray for and arrange the opportune moment for them – not for you. If you are to judge godly it is going to cost you and not them.
* Expect receptivity but be prepared for rejection and defense
Our words show what we think of God – our words show what we think of the law – our words show what we think of other people and #4
4. Our words show us what we think of ourselves. Vs 12b “But you – who are you to judge your neighbor?” When you slander someone else you have an exaggerated view of your own importance. Look what James says ---- who are you to judge your neighbor? Today we would say – who in the world do you think you are to condemn someone else. Paul told the Roman believers in Romans 12:3 “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith that God has given you.” If you are going to gain victory over slander you have got to begin to see yourself rightly.
Every time you judge and slander someone else --- unkind words – caustic words --- gossip and even words that question some ones authority ----- you and I are simply showing that we have an exaggerated view of ourselves and our own importance.
Let me summarize James point: Slander is similar to gossip, which means “to pass on personal facts.” However, slander is not only passing on personal facts about another person, it is passing on personal facts in such way that the other person is put down and demeaned. Slander refers to the practice of talking down another person. It is impugning or attacking someone’s character or reputation by the way you talk about him or her. It is speaking of someone in a way that lowers that person’s reputation in the eyes of others. This practice usually takes place in their absence when they have no opportunity to defend themselves.It doesn’t mean that what is said must be false. What is said might be absolutely true! It is very easy to talk about others behind their backs and not think it is wrong because what you are saying may be true. However, you can slander people by simply sharing true things about them, but with the intention of damaging their character or reputation. If you are going to lower your listener’s estimate of another person, you have to do it very creatively. You might begin your statements with:• “Now stop me if I’m wrong, but. . . .” • Or, “I don’t mean to be critical, but. . . .” • Or, “Perhaps I shouldn’t say this about her, but. . . .” • Or, the notorious, “I have a prayer concern about him.” • Or this devious one, “Let’s just keep this between us.”Now, I don’t mean to imply that there are never occasions when we speak about someone else. However, on such occasions our goal must be to build up and our motive to glorify God. Most of us are unaware when we slander others. We just don’t see that we are talking others down. We are blinded to this as a problem in our lives. Instead we honestly perceive ourselves to be doing nothing more than analyzing or commenting.But it is a common problem we desperately need to recognize! The reason we need to recognize it as a problem is because its consequences are so serious and some cases deadly………
Closing Story: They were a happy little family, living in a small town in North Dakota, even though the young mother had not been entirely well since the birth of her second baby. Every evening as the husband came home – the neighbors saw the wife and mother coming out to gate at the road with her two small children. They heard laughter in the evening and in the summer the father would romp around the yard with his children while mother looked on with smiles. One day, the village gossip started a story, saying that the father was being unfaithful to his wife – a story entirely without foundation. Eventually the story came to the ears of the young wife and it was more than she could bear. Reason left the house and that evening when the husband came home there was no one to meet him at the gate, no laughter in the house, no fragrant smells coming from the kitchen – only a coldness in the house that chilled his heart with fear. Down in the basement he found the three of them hanging from a beam. Sick and in despair – the mother had taken the lives of her children and herself. In the days that followed – the truth of what had happened came out --- a slanders tongue – an untrue story and a terrible tragedy.
Let us pray…………………
Pastor Ben Fleming
Turn in your bible to the book of James. James is writing to the church family. He is writing to you and to me. Last week – we studied humility and the importance of growing in humility as a believer in Christ – today – James goes back to the tongue. He writes about what our relationship with other believers in a church family should be like. The opposite of humility is pride and pride is normally demonstrated by our tongues. We build people up or we tear them down. We are people who speak with grace or we speak with judgment. We are people who speak with kindness or we speak with harshness. It is one thing to speak truth to someone but it is another thing how and when you deliver that truth.
Kathy Plate was visiting her neighbor. While there, five-year-old Andrew pulled out his kindergarten class picture and began describing each classmate: “This is Robert; he hits everyone. This is Stephen; he never listens to the teacher. This is Mark; he chases us and is very noisy.” Then, pointing to his own picture, Andrew commented, “And this is me; I’m just sitting here minding my own business.” We have such a tendency to slander others, don’t we? We smile when a five-year-old boy does it. We, of course, are much more sophisticated in the way in which we slander others. Nevertheless, it is just as destructive and just as sinful.
When medieval monks compiled a list of 7 deadly sins, they included pride – covetousness – lust – envy – gluttony – anger and laziness. Absent from the list was the sin of slander. Why they did not include slander on their list is probably the same reason as today – slander is so widespread that we scarcely seem to notice it – especially when it comes from our own mouths………
Even though we have a casual attitude towards it – slander is a destructive sin. Surprisingly…. our society recognizes the gravity or seriousness of slander and we pass laws that allow those whose name is slandered to sue for defamation of character. The bible speaks volumes about slander and the people of God. For example: The OT says in Leviticus 19:16 “Do not go about spreading slander among your people” ---- God would not allow slander to be among the people of God. Psalm 15: 1 – 3 “Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue…” Entering into and experiencing the presence of God has something to do with what comes out of your mouth. Ephesians 4:30 - 31 “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice……”
A believer grieves the Holy Spirit when they slander. You grieve the Holy Spirit within you when your tongue is caustic. All throughout the Bible we will read of the affects of slander. Slander destroys friendships. Slander inflicts deep wounds. Slander stirs up contention and disunity and slander spreads strife. For some, slander can cause a person to loose all hope and they see no way out but to end their life.
Caution: Many will read these two verses that we are going to study and claim that you can never rebuke or judge another believer. This command against slander does not prohibit another believer from rebuking - warning or judging another believer for unrepentant sin. Public exposure to sin in the life of a believer is commanded in Matthew 18. Everyone of you who are covenant church members know that we teach and aim to practice biblical discipline as a church family and godly biblical discipline requires judging another believer according to the Word of God – however, today’s text does not address biblical discipline. Stand this morning chapter 4 --
What we say of others shows what we think. Do you speak words of blessing and grace or do you speak words of judgment and criticism? I asked someone to give me one positive comment about someone else and they had a hard time doing so ---- it wasn’t because they did not have positive points to say -------- they were just in the habiting of judging that other person. James gives us four points that show us how our speech hurts others – especially in the family of God. He shows us what happens when we are not humble and pride takes over . Consider his four points today with me would you?
1. Our words show us what we think of others. We judge others by our words. (11a) “Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him”
The word that James wrote down here which the NIV translates as slander can also be translated as speak evil of or slander is a put down. To slander means to make false charges in order to damage a person’s reputation. But the word is used in a much broader sense by James. James says you might speak the truth about a person and still be unkind, or you spread gossip that others have no business knowing. Let’s take it further ---- the word he used even means to question someone’s authority or nullifying a person’s good work.. by backbiting…… All of that hurts unity and harmony among believers. It does not demonstrate humility. Most of us in here would say that we have never slandered someone – but have you ever spoke to someone unkindly?? and have you ever questioned someone’s authority? As we use the word slander think of it in the broader context here that James uses it. James is saying --- brothers – do not slander one another --- anyone who speaks against his brother or sister in Christ judges them.
When you and I do not obey God’s Word with our tongues it shows what we think of other believers. Proverbs 10:18 says when we spread slander we are a fool. Ephesians 4:31 says to get rid of all bitterness – rage and anger – brawling and slander. How do you do that? Verse 32 says by being kind and compassionate and forgiving each other. And then verse 30 says “do not grieve the Holy Spirit”. So --- victory over slander in my life and your life has something to do with walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. Un forgiveness and bitterness causes a believer to slander. Bitterness in your heart lets your tongue be used by Satan. It shows you what you think of others and in turn it really shows you what you think of your relationship with God.
The apostle Paul knew how important unity and harmony were in a church family and in Titus 3:1-2 he wrote these words to Pastor Titus --- “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility to all men.” ……. Obviously God’s people need to be reminded to control their tongues. You need to be reminded – I need to be reminded. Submission and obedience in my life and your life results in a controlled tongue. Rebellious Christians are talkers – complainers and critical people. They are fault finders and full of judgment.
How do you silence slander from your mouth?
* Stay off the telephone with words about someone else. In the past 14 years I have had two men who said to me – “pastor you do not know how many people are calling me and complaining”. Those men were listeners to and encouragers of slander.
* Think and speak about a person with words of gratitude. Would you be ashamed to say what you say about someone if they were standing right behind you listening?
* Examine your attitudes and actions toward others. Do you avoid other believers? Learn to speak to everyone in your church family. 4thly
* Do you build people up or tear them down? You may think you build up others but is that what others would say about you? Make 7 positive encouraging statements to a person before you make one critical one to them. The second point James is making about our speech…………………
2. Our words show us what we think of the law. (11b) “Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge, you are not keeping it but sitting in judgment upon it.” When you and I slander each other in the family of God we do not love each other. When you do not love others you break the law of God. When you and I slander we do not love and therefore we stand and sit in judgment on the law of God. We speak against the royal law. Look on your outline at the words of a Pharisee ( a religious person) in Matthew and see how Jesus responded to him. Matthew 22:36- 40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your might. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
When I slander others it means I think nothing of the second commandment Jesus gave here. When you slander someone else you make yourself god and you make your own law. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 13:8 about the second commandment and in verse 10 he said, “Love does no harm to its neighbor. Love is the fulfillment of the law.” When people break a law knowingly, they set themselves above the law. The duty of a person is not to judge the law but to obey the law. When we speak evil of other believers we have appointed ourselves a judge of God’s law and tell ourselves we have a right to break it. To slander a fellow believer is to pass judgment upon them and no human being especially a believer has any right to judge – judgment belongs to God. Slander shows what we think of God’s law and it really shows the depth of our understanding of God’s love and how we love others.
Application: Reach out to a person today that you have not loved in some tangible way. It may be just a word of encouragement such as “it is good to see you today”. The 3rd point James is making
3. Our words show us what we think of God.
(Vs 12a) “There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy.” When you judge others with your words you attempt to place your self above God. Slander in our lives seeks to dethrone God – to remove Him and put ourselves as lawgiver and judge. You have done it and I have done it. This is what Satan did and when we do this we the sinner place ourselves on par with Satan.
Look on your outline at Isaiah 14:13 -14 Notice Satan’s 5 “I will’s. These are the words of Satan recorded by Isaiah the prophet. “I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” …… If you and I are going to control and mortify the sin of slander in our lives then we are going to have to see how much our careless words about others in the family of God is a sin against God…… we fall into the trap of acting and thinking like Satan when we do not care……….
Now let me address what many of you have heard and some fall into believing. You can take these two verses and say that Christians should never judge. Slander is judging someone – you are right. Slander is judging God and God’s law. Turn to Matthew chapter 7………….. vs.1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way that you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, let me take the speck out of your own eye, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and they you will see more clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” …………… So what does Jesus tell us here? Does He say do not judge other believers? NO ---- he says that we must judge but we must judge one another godly.
How to Judge Godly ------- 5 application points
* Make sure there is no log in your own eye. Examine your own life seriously before you open your mouth about something to another believer.
* Identify scripture that supports your judgment. If you are going to judge godly you must judge with the truth of God’s Word.
* Spend a season in prayer before you open your mouth ---------- 4thly
* Pray for and arrange the opportune moment for them – not for you. If you are to judge godly it is going to cost you and not them.
* Expect receptivity but be prepared for rejection and defense
Our words show what we think of God – our words show what we think of the law – our words show what we think of other people and #4
4. Our words show us what we think of ourselves. Vs 12b “But you – who are you to judge your neighbor?” When you slander someone else you have an exaggerated view of your own importance. Look what James says ---- who are you to judge your neighbor? Today we would say – who in the world do you think you are to condemn someone else. Paul told the Roman believers in Romans 12:3 “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith that God has given you.” If you are going to gain victory over slander you have got to begin to see yourself rightly.
Every time you judge and slander someone else --- unkind words – caustic words --- gossip and even words that question some ones authority ----- you and I are simply showing that we have an exaggerated view of ourselves and our own importance.
Let me summarize James point: Slander is similar to gossip, which means “to pass on personal facts.” However, slander is not only passing on personal facts about another person, it is passing on personal facts in such way that the other person is put down and demeaned. Slander refers to the practice of talking down another person. It is impugning or attacking someone’s character or reputation by the way you talk about him or her. It is speaking of someone in a way that lowers that person’s reputation in the eyes of others. This practice usually takes place in their absence when they have no opportunity to defend themselves.It doesn’t mean that what is said must be false. What is said might be absolutely true! It is very easy to talk about others behind their backs and not think it is wrong because what you are saying may be true. However, you can slander people by simply sharing true things about them, but with the intention of damaging their character or reputation. If you are going to lower your listener’s estimate of another person, you have to do it very creatively. You might begin your statements with:• “Now stop me if I’m wrong, but. . . .” • Or, “I don’t mean to be critical, but. . . .” • Or, “Perhaps I shouldn’t say this about her, but. . . .” • Or, the notorious, “I have a prayer concern about him.” • Or this devious one, “Let’s just keep this between us.”Now, I don’t mean to imply that there are never occasions when we speak about someone else. However, on such occasions our goal must be to build up and our motive to glorify God. Most of us are unaware when we slander others. We just don’t see that we are talking others down. We are blinded to this as a problem in our lives. Instead we honestly perceive ourselves to be doing nothing more than analyzing or commenting.But it is a common problem we desperately need to recognize! The reason we need to recognize it as a problem is because its consequences are so serious and some cases deadly………
Closing Story: They were a happy little family, living in a small town in North Dakota, even though the young mother had not been entirely well since the birth of her second baby. Every evening as the husband came home – the neighbors saw the wife and mother coming out to gate at the road with her two small children. They heard laughter in the evening and in the summer the father would romp around the yard with his children while mother looked on with smiles. One day, the village gossip started a story, saying that the father was being unfaithful to his wife – a story entirely without foundation. Eventually the story came to the ears of the young wife and it was more than she could bear. Reason left the house and that evening when the husband came home there was no one to meet him at the gate, no laughter in the house, no fragrant smells coming from the kitchen – only a coldness in the house that chilled his heart with fear. Down in the basement he found the three of them hanging from a beam. Sick and in despair – the mother had taken the lives of her children and herself. In the days that followed – the truth of what had happened came out --- a slanders tongue – an untrue story and a terrible tragedy.
Let us pray…………………
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spooner Cabin

Cheryl and I were given the gift of two nights in a rustic cabin at Spooner Lake. We snowshoed to the cabin carrying our food in backpacks and had two wonderful days together. On one day, we took cross country skiing lessons and spent two hours making our old bones sore. We are blessed to live in the region of the country that we do. Spooner is in the Tahoe Mountains only 30 min from our home in Carson City.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
James #11
A Living Faith”
James #11
Pastor Ben Fleming
March 8th
“God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. “ The key to you and me participating in the benefits of knowing God in our lives is humility……… God always responds to humility. In Isaiah 66:2 God says, “this is the one I will look at, to him who is humble and contrite in spirit and who trembles at My Word.” Who is the person that God looks at – “the one who is humble and contrite in spirit.” So ask yourself ---- “Do you want God to look at you?????’ The character of humility is difficult. In his book “True Greatness – Humility”, C.J. Maheny says when you think you are humble or you call yourself humble you are prideful. Humility is not something that you buy --- something that you find or something that you get by going to a special conference or reading a book. Humility is something that you are or be…… In Matthew 23:12 Jesus said, “whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” That is exactly what we are going to find what James writes in chapter 4:10 “Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you.”
Open your bible this morning to the book of James…. In the world in which we live – humility is not a cherished value. Those who are humble are, considered weak. We think that humble people will never get anywhere – they will never be great. Jim Collins wrote that most sought after book on leadership in the last 10 years. The books question was “ can a good company become a great company?” To find out – he studies the CEO’s of 11 companies for 5 years. He identified 2 character traits of these men and women. First --- was that they were driven and willing to endure to make their company a success. Second --- and a surprise to him was that all of these good to great leaders were modest and self effacing. They pointed to others and never aspired to being a pedestal. People who worked for them described them as reserved – shy – gracious – mild mannered – quiet and humble.
(PHOTO) The great Christian philosopher and author CS. Lewis wrote, “Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation.” Lewis obviously wrote his quote from the biblical definition of humility which means to make oneself low – not in a self put down in a kind of a way but a realization that one is unworthy and lost because of his or her sin. (PHOTO) Saint Augustine wrote, “Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.”…… In our text today – James is addressing humility. He begins by writing in vs. 6, “God is opposed to the proud but give grace to the humble and he closes in verse 10, “humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.” STAND AS WE READ James 4.
James tells the believer in verse 6 – “God is opposed to the proud and He gives grace to the humble.” Godly humility opens up all of God to the person. Humility turns on the fullness of God’s grace to a believer. Godly humility means to come low or make oneself low.
It means to put others above yourself. It means to allow someone else before you. It means to consider others before you consider yourself. It means to shut your mouth when you feel justified in opening it and defending yourself. It means to give others the credit when you did all the work. Humility means to come to God and ask God to save you – it means seeing yourself as God sees you – it means seeing yourself in need of a Savior – humility means you see that you need to be rescued………. Most of us in this room are believers in Jesus Christ – we know we have been rescued – we have been called out by God and you have asked Him to saved you and reconcile you to Him. But, there is at least one person here that has not done that.
You have not done that because you are proud. You do not see yourself as God sees you. You think you are good enough or you believe your own way is sufficient enough – but that is only pride and God is in full battle gear opposed against pride…….
I tend to follow the exegetical work of Pastor John MacArthur and most the time he is right – but in these verses he says that James is only addressing a non believer – I disagree with him as do most other bible scholars in the commentaries. James is telling believers and non believers how to demonstrate and experience real humility in their life. Begin with me as we look at Godly Humility
1. Godly humility is demonstrated through submission to God. (Vs. 7a) “Submit yourselves to God.” No one can be saved without submitting himself to God. Submitting to God means that you obey the Word of God about Jesus Christ and the fullness of the gospel of God. It is what Paul said in Romans 10:8-9 “but what does it say? The word is near you: it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is the word of faith that we are proclaiming – that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you shall be saved.”……..
You cannot confess and you cannot believe unless you submit to God. That takes humility. On your outline: What does it mean to submit? To rank under. In the passive form it indicates that it is voluntary. You have to start there. If you have not come to Christ and confessed with your mouth and believed in your heart……. you have not submitted to God. You are in opposition to God and you can claim all you want that you are humble but you are actually fooling yourself – you are full of pride and God is in full opposition to you…..
In verse 7, James is also speaking to a believer. You are commanded to submit to God – you have to choose to do that every day and in every circumstance. If you are going to have victory over your tongue you have to submit your speech to God. When you do not – you are full of pride in your speech. You have to submit your conflicts to God. Your submission means that that you do not fight and quarrel. You pursue being a peacemaker. Submission is an authority issue. We say wives submit to your husbands, everyone submit to the government and submit to your spiritual leaders but really submission is the question… “Who is going to be Lord – you or God?” Godly humility submits. When you and I rebel… we demonstrate pride and not humility. How can you cultivate submission in your life? Cultivate obedience to God in your life. Obedience grows humility. Humility is a result of your growing friendship with God………. The more intimate your friendship with God grows…………. the deeper the foundation of humility. Godly humility……….
2. Godly humility is demonstrated by resisting Satan. (Vs. 7b) “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Satan knows that at as long as he can stimulate pride in you – he can delay God’s plan and blessing in your life. Satan blinds the eyes of the non believer from seeing the gospel of Jesus --- and by the way it is right and good for a believer to specifically ask God to open the eyes of a non believer and bind the power of Satan over their heart. But to the believer… satan tempts the believer. Our natural bent is not to resist Satan. We lean towards giving into the desires that battle within us. If that were not true…. we would not be commanded to resist the devil. Resisting Satan means that you the believer turn to God and ask God for help. Satan has only the power over the believer that he is allowed to have. He can be resisted because the believer has the power of the Holy Spirit living within him or her ---the scriptures tell us “greater is He who is within you than he who is in the world.” When you resist Satan ---- Satan flees. Humility and resisting Satan go together. Look on your outline at what Peter wrote about this:
1 Peter 5:6 - 9 “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, stand firm in your faith.” Underline what I did on the slide. In Matthew 4 when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert…. Look with me at the tools Satan used…. Look on your outline……….
Tools of the Devil
* He seduces you to self – sufficiency. Satan tried to get Jesus to meet his own needs and not depend upon God. Pride is self – sufficiency. It is says I do not need God. I do not need God’s people. I do not need to hear God’s Word and I do not need prayer.
* He seduces you to self – importance. Satan tried to get Jesus to test God. Pride puffs us up and makes us think we are the most important one. Satan wants you to think that it is all about you.
* He seduces you with power. Satan tried to get Jesus to submit to him in exchange for power. Power corrupts. The pursuit of power has no humility in it. How did Jesus resist the devil? With the Word of God. It is written. It is written. He did not argue with him. He did not speak his opinion or plead any blood over him – Jesus simply resisted the devil by speaking the Word of God. That is humility. That is submission to God the Father. Godly humility is resisting the devil –
3. Godly humility is demonstrated by coming near to God. (Vs.8) “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” To the non believer – Paul wrote about this “near aspect” in Romans 10 – “the Word is near you”. Salvation involves submitting and coming to God. God is not far from a non believer. It does not matter how far you think that person is from God --- God is not far from them. In the OT….. a priest’s job was to come near to the Lord for God’s people. Believers today do not need priests – Jesus Christ is their high priest. He is the one who brings a believer to God. Drawing near to God in the OT was a symbol of coming to God in humility and repentance – but there is more to it than just coming. in Isaiah, God said, “these people come near to Me with their words and honor me with lip service, but their hearts are far from Me.”
In the OT church – God was in the Temple in the Holy of Holies between the cherebium and seriphum on top of the ark of the covenant and the priest drew near to God for the people but he could only come near to God on the other side of a curtain. It was a barrier between God and man. When the priest went in, they would tie a rope around his leg as he walked up to the curtain that separated him from the Ark of Covenant on the other side. Can you imagine the fear of that priest?
The death and the resurrection of Jesus tore that curtain from top to bottom and the way to God has been made clear without any fear to all who submit and draw near to God. As we submit our will and desires to God.. we can taste fully His care and His closeness. The believer must continue to come and draw near to taste the closeness and care of God. The non - believer makes that step when they come to Christ for the first time. God enables them to come and they also have a responsibility to come.
The believer has to choose to keep drawing near to God. We are told in Hebrews “be careful lest you drift away”. “Do not give up meeting together”. To help us keep coming near to God – really requires some physical act. We come where God’s people gather – we participate in worship – we open our mouths and sing or we clap or we pray and join others in prayer. We choose to open the bible and read. You and I have a choice to humble ourselves and draw near to God. God does not make it hard and when you come you---- do not have far to go. The writer of Hebrews put it this way……………
Hebrews 10:22” Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” What act of humility is God calling you to make in your life to demonstrate your drawing near to Him?
4. Godly humility is demonstrated through repentance (Vs. 8b – 9) “ Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.”
Notice the words that James uses – grieve – mourn and wail. They capture the struggle of drawing near to God as the believer repents and comes with a clean heart. It is impossible to draw near to God and you do not repent. Every teacher and every doctor and nurse will tell you that the best defense against illness is washing your hands. A nurse will tell you that there is a proper way to wash your hands. You have to sing happy birthday all the way through and wash the tops and fingers while you are singing.
There is a connect between submission and washing. The command to wash your hands and purify your hearts is a symbol that can be seen in the Last Supper – do you remember what Jesus did to his disciples before they took the cup and the bread???? He washed their feet. That is an exterior picture of what happens when we submit to God. The way we live matters to God. James says to purify your hearts you double minded ---- he is talking about someone who is trying to keep a relationship with the world and with God --- stop being double minded.
To God, our hands say something about us. In 1 Timothy 2:8 Paul said to Timothy – “I want men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger and disputing.” He is talking about men in a church service – He is talking about Godly men --- men who have nothing on their hands --- they have washed them and come to God in humility – worship and prayer.
We wash our hands when we confess our sins. 1 John 1:9 says “if we confess our sins – He is faithful and just to cleanse from all unrighteousness.” Confession of sin is a demonstration of humility. James is even going to take it further and he tell us in chapter 5 – “confess your sins to one another that you might be healed.” So --- as Jesus washed the disciples feet in front of the other disciples ---- confession of sin is both private between God and the believer and it is both public between one believer to another believer.
It is pride to say that you only confess your sin to God and to no one else --- that is weak humility. But confession of sin and repentance is not the same thing. Confession of sin is agreeing with God or saying the same thing to God that God says about you and you breaking His law. Repentance means to turn away – it means to have a change of mind and that change of mind has a change of actions and lifestyle. Speaking to non believers in Acts 3:19 Peter said to the religious people “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 20and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus.” Listen to that --- that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”….. In Acts 26:20 Paul said about his preaching “I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.” And Jesus said in Matthew 3:8, produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” So what can we conclude about repentance? Three of my thoughts………
* A non believer must repent – turn from their sin and turn to God for salvation. It is God who allows that repentance and causes it. To repent and be saved requires humility.
* Once a person becomes a believer they must continue to repent. We do not wash our hands once – but we continue to wash our hands and turn from sin. For some – repentance from some sin is an on going journey….. continue to bear fruit and continue to produce deeds….
* I can say that I have repented all I want but if there are no deeds or fruit as a result of my repentance I am only fooling myself ---- and most likely it is because there has really been no grieving – mourning and wailing as a result of my sin. My false humility has really been pride. Godly humility is demonstrated through repentance.
5. The result of a humility in a believers life is abundant grace. (Vs 10) “Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.” Humility is really a starting point for us – is it not? You come to God for salvation. You either reject God and your need for Him or you submit and come to Him and draw near. God always honors those who are spiritually humble. To a nation God said in
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My people who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land.” God always responds to humility. God always is ready and waiting to pour out His grace upon His children.
J.A. Moyer writes this about verse 10 – LISTEN……. “tirelessly on the side of His children. He never falters in respect of our needs, He always has more grace at hand for us. He is never less than sufficient, he always has more and yet more to give. Whatever we may forfeit when we put self first, we cannot forfeit our salvation, for there is always more grace. No matter what we do to Him, He is never beaten. Even if we were to turn to Him and say, “what I have received so far is much less than enough, He would say, Well you may have more”. His resources are never at end, His patience is never exhausted, his initiative never stops, His generosity knows no limit: He gives more grace.”…… Humility affects our lives and it affects the lives of those around you. When you chose humility – God not only sees it and pours out His grace upon you but man sees humility as well. Watch this short video clip with me. ------ let us pray…………..
James #11
Pastor Ben Fleming
March 8th
“God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. “ The key to you and me participating in the benefits of knowing God in our lives is humility……… God always responds to humility. In Isaiah 66:2 God says, “this is the one I will look at, to him who is humble and contrite in spirit and who trembles at My Word.” Who is the person that God looks at – “the one who is humble and contrite in spirit.” So ask yourself ---- “Do you want God to look at you?????’ The character of humility is difficult. In his book “True Greatness – Humility”, C.J. Maheny says when you think you are humble or you call yourself humble you are prideful. Humility is not something that you buy --- something that you find or something that you get by going to a special conference or reading a book. Humility is something that you are or be…… In Matthew 23:12 Jesus said, “whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” That is exactly what we are going to find what James writes in chapter 4:10 “Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you.”
Open your bible this morning to the book of James…. In the world in which we live – humility is not a cherished value. Those who are humble are, considered weak. We think that humble people will never get anywhere – they will never be great. Jim Collins wrote that most sought after book on leadership in the last 10 years. The books question was “ can a good company become a great company?” To find out – he studies the CEO’s of 11 companies for 5 years. He identified 2 character traits of these men and women. First --- was that they were driven and willing to endure to make their company a success. Second --- and a surprise to him was that all of these good to great leaders were modest and self effacing. They pointed to others and never aspired to being a pedestal. People who worked for them described them as reserved – shy – gracious – mild mannered – quiet and humble.
(PHOTO) The great Christian philosopher and author CS. Lewis wrote, “Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation.” Lewis obviously wrote his quote from the biblical definition of humility which means to make oneself low – not in a self put down in a kind of a way but a realization that one is unworthy and lost because of his or her sin. (PHOTO) Saint Augustine wrote, “Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.”…… In our text today – James is addressing humility. He begins by writing in vs. 6, “God is opposed to the proud but give grace to the humble and he closes in verse 10, “humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.” STAND AS WE READ James 4.
James tells the believer in verse 6 – “God is opposed to the proud and He gives grace to the humble.” Godly humility opens up all of God to the person. Humility turns on the fullness of God’s grace to a believer. Godly humility means to come low or make oneself low.
It means to put others above yourself. It means to allow someone else before you. It means to consider others before you consider yourself. It means to shut your mouth when you feel justified in opening it and defending yourself. It means to give others the credit when you did all the work. Humility means to come to God and ask God to save you – it means seeing yourself as God sees you – it means seeing yourself in need of a Savior – humility means you see that you need to be rescued………. Most of us in this room are believers in Jesus Christ – we know we have been rescued – we have been called out by God and you have asked Him to saved you and reconcile you to Him. But, there is at least one person here that has not done that.
You have not done that because you are proud. You do not see yourself as God sees you. You think you are good enough or you believe your own way is sufficient enough – but that is only pride and God is in full battle gear opposed against pride…….
I tend to follow the exegetical work of Pastor John MacArthur and most the time he is right – but in these verses he says that James is only addressing a non believer – I disagree with him as do most other bible scholars in the commentaries. James is telling believers and non believers how to demonstrate and experience real humility in their life. Begin with me as we look at Godly Humility
1. Godly humility is demonstrated through submission to God. (Vs. 7a) “Submit yourselves to God.” No one can be saved without submitting himself to God. Submitting to God means that you obey the Word of God about Jesus Christ and the fullness of the gospel of God. It is what Paul said in Romans 10:8-9 “but what does it say? The word is near you: it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is the word of faith that we are proclaiming – that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you shall be saved.”……..
You cannot confess and you cannot believe unless you submit to God. That takes humility. On your outline: What does it mean to submit? To rank under. In the passive form it indicates that it is voluntary. You have to start there. If you have not come to Christ and confessed with your mouth and believed in your heart……. you have not submitted to God. You are in opposition to God and you can claim all you want that you are humble but you are actually fooling yourself – you are full of pride and God is in full opposition to you…..
In verse 7, James is also speaking to a believer. You are commanded to submit to God – you have to choose to do that every day and in every circumstance. If you are going to have victory over your tongue you have to submit your speech to God. When you do not – you are full of pride in your speech. You have to submit your conflicts to God. Your submission means that that you do not fight and quarrel. You pursue being a peacemaker. Submission is an authority issue. We say wives submit to your husbands, everyone submit to the government and submit to your spiritual leaders but really submission is the question… “Who is going to be Lord – you or God?” Godly humility submits. When you and I rebel… we demonstrate pride and not humility. How can you cultivate submission in your life? Cultivate obedience to God in your life. Obedience grows humility. Humility is a result of your growing friendship with God………. The more intimate your friendship with God grows…………. the deeper the foundation of humility. Godly humility……….
2. Godly humility is demonstrated by resisting Satan. (Vs. 7b) “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Satan knows that at as long as he can stimulate pride in you – he can delay God’s plan and blessing in your life. Satan blinds the eyes of the non believer from seeing the gospel of Jesus --- and by the way it is right and good for a believer to specifically ask God to open the eyes of a non believer and bind the power of Satan over their heart. But to the believer… satan tempts the believer. Our natural bent is not to resist Satan. We lean towards giving into the desires that battle within us. If that were not true…. we would not be commanded to resist the devil. Resisting Satan means that you the believer turn to God and ask God for help. Satan has only the power over the believer that he is allowed to have. He can be resisted because the believer has the power of the Holy Spirit living within him or her ---the scriptures tell us “greater is He who is within you than he who is in the world.” When you resist Satan ---- Satan flees. Humility and resisting Satan go together. Look on your outline at what Peter wrote about this:
1 Peter 5:6 - 9 “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, stand firm in your faith.” Underline what I did on the slide. In Matthew 4 when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert…. Look with me at the tools Satan used…. Look on your outline……….
Tools of the Devil
* He seduces you to self – sufficiency. Satan tried to get Jesus to meet his own needs and not depend upon God. Pride is self – sufficiency. It is says I do not need God. I do not need God’s people. I do not need to hear God’s Word and I do not need prayer.
* He seduces you to self – importance. Satan tried to get Jesus to test God. Pride puffs us up and makes us think we are the most important one. Satan wants you to think that it is all about you.
* He seduces you with power. Satan tried to get Jesus to submit to him in exchange for power. Power corrupts. The pursuit of power has no humility in it. How did Jesus resist the devil? With the Word of God. It is written. It is written. He did not argue with him. He did not speak his opinion or plead any blood over him – Jesus simply resisted the devil by speaking the Word of God. That is humility. That is submission to God the Father. Godly humility is resisting the devil –
3. Godly humility is demonstrated by coming near to God. (Vs.8) “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” To the non believer – Paul wrote about this “near aspect” in Romans 10 – “the Word is near you”. Salvation involves submitting and coming to God. God is not far from a non believer. It does not matter how far you think that person is from God --- God is not far from them. In the OT….. a priest’s job was to come near to the Lord for God’s people. Believers today do not need priests – Jesus Christ is their high priest. He is the one who brings a believer to God. Drawing near to God in the OT was a symbol of coming to God in humility and repentance – but there is more to it than just coming. in Isaiah, God said, “these people come near to Me with their words and honor me with lip service, but their hearts are far from Me.”
In the OT church – God was in the Temple in the Holy of Holies between the cherebium and seriphum on top of the ark of the covenant and the priest drew near to God for the people but he could only come near to God on the other side of a curtain. It was a barrier between God and man. When the priest went in, they would tie a rope around his leg as he walked up to the curtain that separated him from the Ark of Covenant on the other side. Can you imagine the fear of that priest?
The death and the resurrection of Jesus tore that curtain from top to bottom and the way to God has been made clear without any fear to all who submit and draw near to God. As we submit our will and desires to God.. we can taste fully His care and His closeness. The believer must continue to come and draw near to taste the closeness and care of God. The non - believer makes that step when they come to Christ for the first time. God enables them to come and they also have a responsibility to come.
The believer has to choose to keep drawing near to God. We are told in Hebrews “be careful lest you drift away”. “Do not give up meeting together”. To help us keep coming near to God – really requires some physical act. We come where God’s people gather – we participate in worship – we open our mouths and sing or we clap or we pray and join others in prayer. We choose to open the bible and read. You and I have a choice to humble ourselves and draw near to God. God does not make it hard and when you come you---- do not have far to go. The writer of Hebrews put it this way……………
Hebrews 10:22” Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” What act of humility is God calling you to make in your life to demonstrate your drawing near to Him?
4. Godly humility is demonstrated through repentance (Vs. 8b – 9) “ Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.”
Notice the words that James uses – grieve – mourn and wail. They capture the struggle of drawing near to God as the believer repents and comes with a clean heart. It is impossible to draw near to God and you do not repent. Every teacher and every doctor and nurse will tell you that the best defense against illness is washing your hands. A nurse will tell you that there is a proper way to wash your hands. You have to sing happy birthday all the way through and wash the tops and fingers while you are singing.
There is a connect between submission and washing. The command to wash your hands and purify your hearts is a symbol that can be seen in the Last Supper – do you remember what Jesus did to his disciples before they took the cup and the bread???? He washed their feet. That is an exterior picture of what happens when we submit to God. The way we live matters to God. James says to purify your hearts you double minded ---- he is talking about someone who is trying to keep a relationship with the world and with God --- stop being double minded.
To God, our hands say something about us. In 1 Timothy 2:8 Paul said to Timothy – “I want men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger and disputing.” He is talking about men in a church service – He is talking about Godly men --- men who have nothing on their hands --- they have washed them and come to God in humility – worship and prayer.
We wash our hands when we confess our sins. 1 John 1:9 says “if we confess our sins – He is faithful and just to cleanse from all unrighteousness.” Confession of sin is a demonstration of humility. James is even going to take it further and he tell us in chapter 5 – “confess your sins to one another that you might be healed.” So --- as Jesus washed the disciples feet in front of the other disciples ---- confession of sin is both private between God and the believer and it is both public between one believer to another believer.
It is pride to say that you only confess your sin to God and to no one else --- that is weak humility. But confession of sin and repentance is not the same thing. Confession of sin is agreeing with God or saying the same thing to God that God says about you and you breaking His law. Repentance means to turn away – it means to have a change of mind and that change of mind has a change of actions and lifestyle. Speaking to non believers in Acts 3:19 Peter said to the religious people “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 20and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus.” Listen to that --- that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”….. In Acts 26:20 Paul said about his preaching “I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.” And Jesus said in Matthew 3:8, produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” So what can we conclude about repentance? Three of my thoughts………
* A non believer must repent – turn from their sin and turn to God for salvation. It is God who allows that repentance and causes it. To repent and be saved requires humility.
* Once a person becomes a believer they must continue to repent. We do not wash our hands once – but we continue to wash our hands and turn from sin. For some – repentance from some sin is an on going journey….. continue to bear fruit and continue to produce deeds….
* I can say that I have repented all I want but if there are no deeds or fruit as a result of my repentance I am only fooling myself ---- and most likely it is because there has really been no grieving – mourning and wailing as a result of my sin. My false humility has really been pride. Godly humility is demonstrated through repentance.
5. The result of a humility in a believers life is abundant grace. (Vs 10) “Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.” Humility is really a starting point for us – is it not? You come to God for salvation. You either reject God and your need for Him or you submit and come to Him and draw near. God always honors those who are spiritually humble. To a nation God said in
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My people who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land.” God always responds to humility. God always is ready and waiting to pour out His grace upon His children.
J.A. Moyer writes this about verse 10 – LISTEN……. “tirelessly on the side of His children. He never falters in respect of our needs, He always has more grace at hand for us. He is never less than sufficient, he always has more and yet more to give. Whatever we may forfeit when we put self first, we cannot forfeit our salvation, for there is always more grace. No matter what we do to Him, He is never beaten. Even if we were to turn to Him and say, “what I have received so far is much less than enough, He would say, Well you may have more”. His resources are never at end, His patience is never exhausted, his initiative never stops, His generosity knows no limit: He gives more grace.”…… Humility affects our lives and it affects the lives of those around you. When you chose humility – God not only sees it and pours out His grace upon you but man sees humility as well. Watch this short video clip with me. ------ let us pray…………..
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